Is Quora Worth It?🤔

Is Quora Worth It

Quora is one of those websites that you either love or hate. Or maybe both. 😅

The question-and-answer platform, founded in 2009 by two former Facebook employees, has grown to become one of the most popular and influential online destinations for curious minds. With over 300 million monthly active users and over 400 million questions and answers, Quora claims to be “a place to share knowledge and better understand the world.” 🌎

But is Quora really worth it for users and marketers? Does it live up to its lofty mission and vision? Or is it just another source of noise, spam and misinformation in the crowded internet landscape? 🤔

In this article, we’ll explore the value, benefits, drawbacks, features, functions, competitors and alternatives of Quora. We’ll also answer the ultimate question: is Quora worth your time and attention? 🕑

Let’s dive in. 🏊‍♂️

Quora’s Value and Revenue

Quora is not just a website. It’s a business. 💰

Basically, Quora makes money from three main sources: advertising, subscriptions and partnerships.

Advertising is the most obvious and common way that Quora generates revenue. Quora displays ads on its website and mobile app that are relevant to the topics and interests of its users. Quora also offers a self-serve platform for advertisers to create and manage their own campaigns.

Subscriptions are another way that Quora makes money. Quora offers a premium service called Quora Plus, which gives users access to exclusive features and content, such as ad-free browsing, unlimited bookmarks, advanced analytics and curated newsletters. Quora Plus costs $5 per month or $50 per year.

Partnerships are the third way that Quora makes money. Quora partners with various organizations and institutions, such as universities, media outlets, nonprofits and businesses, to create and promote content on its platform. Quora also collaborates with Google to integrate its content into Google’s search results.

But how much money does Quora actually make? And how much is it worth?

Quora is a private company, so it does not disclose its financials publicly. But, based on some estimates and reports, we can get a rough idea of its revenue and valuation.

According to Forbes, Quora was expected to generate around $140 million in revenue in 2018, up from $100 million in 2017. This implies a growth rate of 40%, which is impressive for a company that started monetizing only in 2016.

As for its valuation, Quora has raised a total of $226 million in funding over four rounds. Its latest funding round was in April 2017, when it raised $85 million at a valuation of $1.8 billion. Since then, Quora has not raised any more funding, but it has also not been acquired or gone public.

We estimate a revenue multiple in the 20-25 range is appropriate for Quora, which would imply a valuation of $2.8 billion – $3 billion in the near term. This is based on the assumption that Quora has maintained or increased its revenue growth rate and profitability since its last funding round.

Of course, these are just rough estimates and projections based on limited information. Quora’s actual revenue and valuation may be higher or lower depending on various factors, such as its user base, engagement, retention, monetization, costs, competition and market conditions.

But one thing is clear: Quora is not just a website. It’s a valuable business. 💰

Quora’s Benefits(Worth) and Drawbacks for Users

Quora is not just a website. It’s a community. 🙌

The question-and-answer platform has millions of users who share their knowledge, opinions and experiences on various topics. Quora users can ask questions, answer questions, follow topics, follow people, comment, upvote and downvote.

But what are the benefits and drawbacks of using Quora as a user? Let’s find out. 👇

Benefits of using Quora as a user


Quora is a great place to learn new things, expand your horizons and satisfy your curiosity. You can find answers to almost any question you have, from science to philosophy to personal finance. You can also learn from experts, celebrities and influencers who share their insights and perspectives on Quora.


Quora is also a great place to share your knowledge, opinions and experiences with others. You can showcase your expertise, express your views and tell your stories on Quora. You can also help others by answering their questions and providing useful information.


Quora is also a great place to network with like-minded people, build relationships and discover opportunities. You can follow people who interest you, join spaces that match your interests, chat with other users and collaborate on projects. You can also connect with potential mentors, partners, clients or employers on Quora.

Drawbacks of using Quora as a user


Quora is not immune to spam, which can ruin your experience and waste your time. You may encounter spam questions, answers, comments or messages that are irrelevant, repetitive, promotional or malicious. You may also encounter bots, trolls or fake accounts that try to manipulate or harass you.


Quora is not immune to bias, which can affect the quality and credibility of the content and the community. You may encounter bias questions, answers, comments or votes that are influenced by personal preferences, agendas or ideologies. You may also encounter bias moderation or policies that favor or disfavor certain topics, users or viewpoints.


Quora is not immune to quality issues, which can affect the accuracy and reliability of the content and the community. You may encounter quality questions, answers, comments or votes that are inaccurate, incomplete, outdated or misleading. You may also encounter quality users who are unqualified, uninformed or unprofessional.

Quora’s Benefits and Drawbacks for Marketers

Quora is not just a website. It’s a marketing tool. 🛠️

The question-and-answer platform has millions of users who are looking for answers, solutions and recommendations on various topics. Quora marketers can use the platform to reach their target audience, generate leads, drive traffic and build authority.

But what are the benefits and drawbacks of using Quora as a marketer? Let’s find out. 👇

Benefits of using Quora as a marketer


Quora is a great place to increase your brand awareness and visibility among potential customers. You can use Quora to showcase your expertise, answer relevant questions, share valuable content and start conversations on topics related to your industry. You can also use Quora to monitor what people are asking or saying about your brand, products or services.


Quora is a great place to drive qualified traffic to your website or landing page. You can use Quora to link to your content, offer or lead magnet in a natural and helpful way that adds value to your answer. You can also use Quora to optimize your profile, bio and credentials with keywords and links that attract clicks.


Quora is a great place to generate high-quality leads for your business. You can use Quora to identify and engage with prospects who are interested in your niche, problem or solution. You can also use Quora to capture leads by offering free resources, consultations or trials in exchange for their contact information.

Drawbacks of using Quora as a marketer


Quora is not a secret weapon for marketers anymore. Many brands and businesses are using Quora to market themselves and reach their audience. This means that you may face competition from other marketers who are answering the same questions, targeting the same topics or offering similar products or services.


Quora is not a free-for-all platform for marketers. Quora has rules and guidelines that regulate the content and behavior of its users. This means that you may face restrictions or penalties if you violate the rules, such as spamming, self-promoting, plagiarizing or misleading.

Quora’s Features and Functions

It has various features and functions that enhance the user experience and enable the content creation and consumption. Quora users can use these features and functions to ask questions, answer questions, follow topics, follow people, comment, upvote, downvote and more.

But what are the main features and functions of Quora? Let’s find out. 👇


The core feature of Quora is the ability to ask questions on any topic or subject. Users can type their questions in the search box or click on the red “Add Question or Link” button on the top right corner. Users can also add details, images, links or polls to their questions to provide more context or options.


The core function of Quora is the ability to answer questions on any topic or subject. Users can browse through the questions on their feed or search for specific questions that interest them. Users can also write their answers in the text box below the question or click on the green “Answer” button on the bottom right corner. Users can also add images, links, videos, quotes or code to their answers to provide more information or evidence.


The main feature of Quora is the ability to follow topics that interest you. Topics are categories or subcategories of questions and answers that relate to a specific theme or domain. Users can follow topics by clicking on the blue “Follow” button next to the topic name or by searching for topics in the search box. Users can also create new topics by clicking on the blue “Create Topic” button on the bottom right corner.


The main function of Quora is the ability to follow people who interest you. People are users who ask or answer questions on Quora. Users can follow people by clicking on their profile picture or name and then clicking on the blue “Follow” button on their profile page. Users can also find people to follow by browsing through their feed, topics, answers or suggestions.


The additional feature of Quora is the ability to comment on questions or answers. Comments are short messages that express your opinion, feedback, clarification or appreciation on a question or answer. Users can comment by clicking on the gray “Comment” button below a question or answer and then typing their message in the text box.

Upvotes and Downvotes

The additional function of Quora is the ability to upvote or downvote questions or answers. Upvotes and downvotes are indicators of how useful, helpful or accurate a question or answer is. Users can upvote by clicking on the gray “Upvote” button below a question or answer and downvote by clicking on the gray “Downvote” button next to it.

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Quora’s Competitors and Alternatives

Quora is not just a website. It’s a leader. 🏆

The question-and-answer platform has established itself as one of the most popular and influential online destinations for curious minds. Quora has a loyal and active user base, a rich and diverse content library, and a strong and reputable brand.

But Quora is not alone in the question-and-answer space. There are many other platforms or websites that offer similar or different services to users and marketers. Quora has to compete with these competitors and alternatives for attention, traffic and revenue.

But who are these competitors and alternatives? And how do they compare with Quora? Let’s find out. 👇

Reddit: The front page of the internet

Reddit is one of the biggest competitors of Quora in terms of popularity and reach. It is a social news aggregation and discussion website which was founded back in 2005. Reddit users can submit, vote and comment on various types of content, such as links, text posts, images, videos and more.

Reddit is organized into thousands of subreddits, which are communities dedicated to specific topics or interests. Users can join or create subreddits that match their interests, such as politics, gaming, science, memes and more. Users can also ask or answer questions on subreddits like r/AskReddit, r/ELI5 or r/IAmA.

Reddit has over 430 million monthly active users and over 130,000 active communities. Reddit is also one of the most visited websites in the world, ranking 18th globally and 7th in the US according to Alexa.

Compared to Quora, Reddit has a larger and more diverse user base and content library. Reddit also has a more casual and humorous tone and culture. But, Reddit also has more noise, spam and toxicity than Quora. Reddit also has less quality control and moderation than Quora.

Stack Exchange: The network of Q&A communities

Stack Exchange is one of the biggest alternatives of Quora in terms of quality and credibility. Stack Exchange is a network of Q&A communities, founded in 2008. Stack Exchange users can ask or answer questions on various topics or domains that require specific expertise or knowledge.

Stack Exchange consists of over 170 Q&A communities that cover different fields or disciplines, such as programming, mathematics, physics, history, philosophy and more. Users can join or create Q&A communities that match their expertise or interests. Users can also earn reputation points and badges for their contributions.

Stack Exchange has over 100 million monthly visitors and over 18 million questions and answers. Stack Exchange is also one of the most respected websites in the world, ranking 138th globally and 68th in the US according to Alexa.

Compared to Quora, Stack Exchange has a higher and more consistent quality and credibility of content and community. Stack Exchange also has a more rigorous and transparent system of reputation and moderation than Quora. But, Stack Exchange also has a narrower and more specialized scope and audience than Quora. Stack Exchange also has less variety and entertainment value than Quora.

Conclusion: Is Quora Worth It?

In conclusion, Quora has revolutionized the way people seek and share knowledge online. Quora has a lot to offer to users and marketers who are curious, passionate and ambitious.

But Quora is not perfect. It has its own challenges and limitations that may affect its value, quality and reputation. Quora also has to face the competition and alternatives that may offer better or different services to users and marketers.

So, is Quora worth it? 🤔

The answer is: it depends. It depends on your goals, needs and preferences. It depends on how you use Quora.

If you want to learn new things, share your insights, network with others and discover opportunities, Quora may be worth it for you.

If you want to increase your brand awareness, drive qualified traffic, generate high-quality leads and build authority, Quora may be worth it for you.

But if you want to avoid spam, bias, quality issues, rules or measurement issues, Quora may not be worth it for you.

Now, the choice is yours. You have to weigh the pros and cons of using Quora or its competitors or alternatives to make a right decision.

Now what is your view on: Is Quora Worth It? Tell me in the comments.😊

FAQs: Is Quora Worth It? 

Is writing on Quora really worth it?

Writing on Quora can be worth it if you enjoy sharing your knowledge, opinions and experiences with others. Writing on Quora can also be worth it if you want to learn new things, improve your writing skills, build your personal brand and network with like-minded people.

Writing on Quora may not be worth it if you just want to earn money. Writing on Quora may also not be worth it if you don’t like the rules, policies and moderation of the platform. 

So, writing on Quora is worth it if you find value and satisfaction from it. You have to weigh the pros and cons of writing on Quora and decide for yourself.

Is Quora+ worth it?

Quora+ is a premium subscription service that gives users access to exclusive features and content on Quora. Quora+ costs $5 per month or $50 per year.

Quora+ can be worth it if you want to support the platform and the creators who produce quality content on Quora. Quora+ can also be worth it if you want to enjoy an ad-free browsing experience, unlimited bookmarks, advanced analytics and curated newsletters.

Quora+ may not be worth it if you don’t care about the exclusive features and content that Quora+ offers. Quora+ may also not be worth it if you think that the price is too high or that the value is too low. 

So we conclude, Quora+ is worth it if you find value and benefit from it. You have to weigh the pros and cons of subscribing to Quora+ and decide for yourself.

Is Quora going to be worth the time investment?

Quora can be worth the time investment if you use it wisely and effectively. Quora can be a valuable source of knowledge, inspiration and connection for users who are curious, passionate and ambitious.

Quora may not be worth the time investment if you use it poorly and inefficiently. Quora can be a waste of time, energy and attention for users who are distracted, bored or addicted.

In conclusion, Quora is going to be worth the time investment if you make the most out of it. You have to set your goals, manage your time, choose your content and measure your results.

Why is Quora worth the effort?

Quora is worth the effort if you want to learn new things, share your insights, network with others and discover opportunities. Quora is also worth the effort if you want to increase your brand awareness, drive qualified traffic, generate high-quality leads and build authority.

Quora is not worth the effort if you want to avoid spam, bias, quality issues, competition, rules or measurement issues. 

So, Quora is worth the effort if you use it wisely and effectively. You have to weigh the pros and cons of using Quora and decide for yourself.

How much is Quora worth and why?

Quora is worth around $2.8 billion – $3 billion according to some estimates and projections based on its revenue and valuation. 

Quora is also worth this much because it has a lot of potential for growth and monetization. Quora has a large and untapped market of curious minds who are looking for answers, solutions and recommendations. Quora also has a lot of opportunities for advertising, subscriptions and partnerships.

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